St. Vincent Pallotti PU College


Chellikere, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore – 560043

Inter-class Kabaddi Tournament

Home News Inter-class Kabaddi Tournament

Intra College Kabaddi Tournament was held  on 21st and 22nd July, 2022. Event was conducted for both boys and girls and 28 teams participated. It was a grand success, wherein all the students played the game with enthusiasm and team spirit. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their talent in sports field. Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers, who took keen interest in making this event a great success. In the category of girls, II PU SCIENCE emerged as winners and in the category of boys, II PU COMMERCE A SECTION emerged as winners. Director, Rev. Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC and Principal Rev. Fr. Andrew Roshan Alva SAC honored the winners.