Inter- Collegiate Taekwando Competition

Inter- Collegiate Taekwando Competition was held at MES PU College on 26.09.2022 Students of St.Vincent Pallotti College participated in the event.
Karnataka Rajyotsava

On Nov 18, 2022 St.Vincent Pallotti PU College organized Karnataka Rajyotsava at SVPC campus, Bengaluru.
Constitution Day

Constitution Day was celebrated in St. Vincent Pallotti PU College on 26.11.2022. Principal Rev. Fr. Andrew Roshan Alva SAC led the Oath Taking Ceremony and Vice Principal Ms.Padmavathy enlightened the gathering with a well thought talk on Constitution of India and its importance in the lives of every Citizen. Ms. Moksha, Ms. Maria Jyothi and Ms. Shipra Darcus were present for the programme.
NSS Camp

NSS Unit of St. Vincent Pallotti PU College organized NSS Camp for the student of NSS Volunteers from 30.11.2022. Jyothipura (20KM away from the location of our College) was the place selected for the Camp. Three Faculty members and 50 students took part in this camp. As the motto of NSS states “NOT ME, BUT YOU”, our students got encouraged to place the ‘Community’ before ‘Self’. Our students got themselves involved in service oriented activities in this village. Following activities were done generously by our Student NSS Volunteers:Cleansing of the Government School Campus, Cleaning of Village templeSurrounding area, Spread awareness about “Care and love towards the Environment” by distributing and planting of saplings in the village, Medical Camp was organized to bring awareness about Health and Hygiene. All in all it was a wonderful and memorable experience and learning for our NSS Volunteers. Special thanks to Mr. Doresh (Physical Director), Mr. Pavan Yadav(NCC ANO), Mr. Nagraj (Librarian), Ms. Shaila and Ms. Saritha (NSS Coordinators) for accompanying and systematically organizing the Camp. Thanks to BIRDS NGO for all the support and help in organizing this Camp.
Educational tour

The Department of Arts &Humanities of St. Vincent Pallotti PU College organized one day Educational tour to Somanathpura and Talakaadu on 03.12.2022. Four Faculty members and 50 Students took part in this tour. This tour was very much useful for the students, who gained practical knowledge about the Historical places.
Commerce & Science Expo

Science and Commerce Departments of St. Vincent Pallotti PU College organized their Club activities on 07.12.2022. CRESCITA-Z and AD ASTRA ABYSSOSQUE are the Club names, under which various activities were conducted. Inaugural ceremony was held at 9.30am and throughout the day various competitions were conducted. Students from all the departments participated enthusiastically in large numbers. Photography, AD-Shoot, Product Launch, Best Manager, Debate, Business Quiz and Star of CRESCITA-Z were the events conducted by the Commerce Club. Pick & Speak, Air Crash, Young Scientist, AI Drawing, Science Quiz, Photography and Star of AD ASTRA were the events conducted by the Science Club. Also the Science Expo, combined with all creative and innovative ideas of students drew the attention of all the visitors. Thanks to Ms. Moksha Coordinator, Commerce Department & Ms. Maria Jyothi the Coordinator, Science Department for taking the lead in organizing these events along with all the faculties of both the departments.
Human Rights Day

Human Rights awareness activity was conducted in St. Vincent Pallotti PU College on 10th December, 2022. Human Rights day is celebrated every 10th December to create awareness and to promote respect for the rights and freedom enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The 2022 Theme of Human Rights Day is “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All.” Both the Declaration and WHO’s Constitution assert that health is a fundamental human right for all people. Everyone is entitled to the right to health regardless of race, colour, sex, language, gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, geographical location, religion, political or other opinion, nationality or social origin, property, socioeconomic or other status. The right to health means leaving no one behind. This means that all persons should have access to health services without discrimination, including on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. Thanks to the Faculties and Students the Department of Arts and Commerce of our College for taking initiative in organizing the awareness programme. Let us strive to respect the rights and freedom of every individual.
Pals Symphony 2023

Pals Symphony 2023 an Inter-collegiate Fest organized for PU students by the Faculties of St.Vincent Pallotti College, Bengaluru on 7th Jan, 2023.
Book Exhibition

Leading Book publishers participated in the Book Exhibition organized by Library and information Centre of St. Vincent Pallotti College, Bengaluru on Jan 19, 2023.
Republic Day 2023

The Student Council of St. Vincent Pallotti PU College celebrated with pride and zeal the 74th Republic Day of the nation, also known as “Gantantra Divas.” The theme for the year is ‘Jan-Bhagidari (participation of people)’.