St. Vincent Pallotti PU College
St. Vincent Pallotti College is the outcome and vision of the Pallottine Fathers, who are in the service of education in India for the past 50 years. The college is located in Chelikere, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru. Our library’s primary goal is to satisfy the needs of both the academic community at our institute and visitors from other academic and research institutions by seamlessly integrating the information support system with the educational activities.
To support the institution and its users by providing seamless access to the widest possible spectrum of information resources such as digital, online databases, print and non-print materials relevant to the curricular, informational and innovative research needs of the academic community’, means to provide Right Information to the Right Users at the Right Time and in the Right Format.
Is to provide college students with the information they need to achieve their highest academic potential and help them acquire research skills necessary for lifelong learning. To support teaching faculty & administrative staff and to participate in interactive information to exchange within the wider library / educational community.
The following are the goals and objectives of St. Vincent Pallotti College Library Services System:
I would like to introduce the Library of St. Vincent Pallotti College. As you all know the Library is the Heart of any Education Institution. The library serves its users bringing them into the Global Interaction and Connectivity through its Resources like both Print and E-Resources.
The college library is fully automated and users can access the information through our college website. We introduced an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) so that they can know the availability of the Material of their interest is available in the library. Users can also access the E-Resource (E-Book, E-Journal, Theses, Job Notification, etc…) can download it or they can refer the E-resources for Free.
The college library now allows the users to download the Previous Year Question Papers by just scanning the QR code given in the library website.
Librarian and Library staff all of us are here to answer questions, to connect students to the resources they need to excel and thrive. The power of the library lies with its people: those who seek out expertise and those who share it.
I continue to be grateful for the opportunity and the responsibility of leading The St. Vincent Pallotti College Library. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.
Best Wishes
Ms. Sahana
Chief Librarian